Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Narrative in Class

                There was once a pig and a cow together. The pig was small, pink and has a curly tail, while the cow is big, white with black spots, and can kick people. They were walking over to their barn. One of them see’s that there is a coyote approaching the chicken coup. The cow say’s the pi, “We have to warn the dog  about the coyote!” So the cow and pig talk in their own foreign voices and say, “Dog get over here and take care of business with that coyote!” The coyote approaches the barn , let’s just say you can meet the dog in the barn and it’s going down, meet him in the pen it’s going down, meet him in the stall it’s going down, any way the coyote met him he was guaranteed to go down!  So after it went down the coyote was done for.  The dog went back to the house and met with mama and papa.  The pig and cow met up again and had a nice talk about quilting.  Then all of sudden a burglar came into the bar to steal feed and the big blacked spotted cow used her kicking skills and kicked the burglar right back to Mexico. After the burglar had been kicked back to Mexico the unthinkinable had happened! A UFO had swept down in the cornfield next to the barn to make crop circles when the dog realized what had happened he was like awww helllll naw! So he started barking to the Scotland yard and told all the dogs around the country to contact the grate dane associtation for this weird event. All the Great Danes from the GDA showed up with AK 47s and killed all the aliens then painted the barn a new coat of red with the blood of their victims.


  1. Super creative. I found many funny points and was laughing throughout the story, Great Job!

  2. Haha, I remember writing part of this during class! It's my favorite story out of all the ones I added on too!

  3. This was my favorite narrative also! It made me laugh because every line has comedy and good description.
