Thursday, September 23, 2010

Description of Today

So today I woke to a rainy day. Nothing to bad, but still not fun. I sat on the couch watching TV,eating a pop-tart, and drinking milk. I packed up my books into my backpack and away I go. I get into my car which smells of leather since it has leather seats. I sit down, open up the garage door, and turned on The Beatles - Let It Be CD. The rain was coming down pretty hard and fast. It was like the sound of getting hit by little bb pellets. While getting closer to the school, I then had to find a parking spot which is impossible during this time on Thursday. So after driving around for about 15 minutes in the rain, I found a spot. The spot was next to Little Ceasers Pizza. So I had to walk 7 blocks to get to the place I needed to. I was soaking wet head to toe, and smelled like a wet dog. Once I got inside I was wet for the rest of the day I was in class. My sweater which i wore to school is still soaked after 10 hours of not being in rain.


  1. Sounds like a decent day, but I bet you were freezing for the rest of it.

  2. Hopefully the weather will stay nice from now on! :)
