Friday, October 29, 2010


Every year at Halloween my family would carve pumpkins. We used to do it every year with family, but now it was just my mother and I. This year on the 29th we looked around for some outlines, and i picked out the pirate, and my mother picked out Scooby Doo with a witch outfit on. We got a new carving tool, which instead of cutting it, it was automatic tool. It has a button on the side which makes it like a mini saw. So, have fun with Halloween!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Written Communication Story

When I woke up this morning I didn’t know how the day would go. It was the most interesting and odd day I ever had in my life. If it weren’t for that stupid boy and his pet monkey, I wouldn’t be stuck in this pickle. I was walking down the street going to my buddy’s house. I get there and he had this great idea to go to a baseball game. So we started walking down to the game and this creepy guy comes out of a dark alley asking us if we wanted to buy a magical monkey. My buddy John dropped everything and said yes, he took our money which we were going to buy the tickets with and bought the monkey. I was really mad. John got the monkey and we walked off. We started talking about who knows what when all of a sudden I saw a bird flying upside down. I couldn’t believe what I just saw. I yelled out,” John, look!” He was like “Holy Crap!” So we kept on walking back to John’s house amazed at what we saw. While we were walking we saw a door in the middle of the road standing upright. We walked over there opened it up and there was a million dollars. John was like,” You know what this means?!” I was said,” We can buy the baseball team!” John said,” No! This monkey is magical!” So we started walking down the street excited that we just got a million dollars, when all of a sudden two big guys came out of nowhere, punched us, took the money, and ran. “It’s alright, we still have the monkey that can get us more money, said John.”  We then looked at the monkey and saw he was floating and doing some weird signs with his hands. Then it was the next day, I woke up thinking that it was all a dream. When I tried to move I couldn’t. I was duct-taped to a flagpole by my school. That magical monkey did a spell or something that knocked John and me out. The creepy man came by and took the monkey and walked away. Later that day I understood what happened. The creepy man hired the big guys to beat us up to get the money. Then he duct-taped myself and John to the pole so he can get the magical monkey back, and try to pull one over on more kids. And that’s how I ended up duct-taped to the pole by my school.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

new cd

 So I know I am not an expert with music or knows how to play music, but I know what I enjoy and when it is awesome or not. This new CD which has been anticipated for awhile now doesn't disappoint me one bit. Last year Chiodos announced that the lead singer Craig Owens is getting kicked out of the band. People didn't know how they were going to do after that, but apparently they are doing just fine without him. The new singer brings better vocals, and not an over powering voice. The new CD Illuminaudio is amazing. Some songs really show the wonderful voice, and some shows that he can do some screaming in it. It came out on October 5th, and I have been listening to it non stop. The CD comes with the CD, and a sheet of paper which is the picture on the top. Its a 15x15 poster but also has all the lyrics on the back of it for all the songs. On the poster it has the C in the middle with the rest of the letters going around it in fancy font. The CD has 12 songs, some with funny names like Those Who Slay Together, Stay Together, and Love Is A Cat From Hell. The songs have a nice rock feel to them, while not going overboard with the singing, and the screaming in it is the best part of the songs. They do not overpower it at all, it flows very nice with the rest of the songs. If you were a fan of Chiodos when Craig Owens was the singer, then you will probably think that this is there best album to date. If you want to hear a song from there new CD check out this video.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Description of Today

So today I woke to a rainy day. Nothing to bad, but still not fun. I sat on the couch watching TV,eating a pop-tart, and drinking milk. I packed up my books into my backpack and away I go. I get into my car which smells of leather since it has leather seats. I sit down, open up the garage door, and turned on The Beatles - Let It Be CD. The rain was coming down pretty hard and fast. It was like the sound of getting hit by little bb pellets. While getting closer to the school, I then had to find a parking spot which is impossible during this time on Thursday. So after driving around for about 15 minutes in the rain, I found a spot. The spot was next to Little Ceasers Pizza. So I had to walk 7 blocks to get to the place I needed to. I was soaking wet head to toe, and smelled like a wet dog. Once I got inside I was wet for the rest of the day I was in class. My sweater which i wore to school is still soaked after 10 hours of not being in rain.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Narrative in Class

                There was once a pig and a cow together. The pig was small, pink and has a curly tail, while the cow is big, white with black spots, and can kick people. They were walking over to their barn. One of them see’s that there is a coyote approaching the chicken coup. The cow say’s the pi, “We have to warn the dog  about the coyote!” So the cow and pig talk in their own foreign voices and say, “Dog get over here and take care of business with that coyote!” The coyote approaches the barn , let’s just say you can meet the dog in the barn and it’s going down, meet him in the pen it’s going down, meet him in the stall it’s going down, any way the coyote met him he was guaranteed to go down!  So after it went down the coyote was done for.  The dog went back to the house and met with mama and papa.  The pig and cow met up again and had a nice talk about quilting.  Then all of sudden a burglar came into the bar to steal feed and the big blacked spotted cow used her kicking skills and kicked the burglar right back to Mexico. After the burglar had been kicked back to Mexico the unthinkinable had happened! A UFO had swept down in the cornfield next to the barn to make crop circles when the dog realized what had happened he was like awww helllll naw! So he started barking to the Scotland yard and told all the dogs around the country to contact the grate dane associtation for this weird event. All the Great Danes from the GDA showed up with AK 47s and killed all the aliens then painted the barn a new coat of red with the blood of their victims.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Review of the Afterglow Xbox360 wired Controller

So I was at Bestbuy looking for a video game which I will probably do a review on next time. I found this controller and it looks cool. It was the Afterglow Xbox360 wired controller. What stood out to me was that it is clear and it has blue led lights in so you can play in the dark. So I checked at how much it was and it was a good price. So I picked it up and here is a review of the pros and cons of the controller.
Ok the first thing you will probably notice about the Afterglow controller is that its the same as all the other xbox360 controller, all the buttons are the same everything. The toggles, d-pad, and the triggers are black instead of the xbox360 gray color. The only real difference about the controller is the blue led part. The Afterglow controller has about 6 blue led in the front, none on the back though since you don't look in the back. On the back of the controller there is a 3 switch switch. Each setting is different. The first setting is "on" which will turn on the led and keep them on all the time until you turn off the xbox. The second switch is "off" which then you will  have just a clear see through controller. The last switch is a rumble led feature which is neat but really not used. If you are playing a game with rumble feature, the led lights will turn on when it rumbles and turns off when no rumble. Even with those features the best is the price you can get the controller at. They run retail for $30, which is a good price consider the Microsoft controllers run for $40 wired. There is only one con for this controller. It is that the toggles are stiff when you press down on them. Like if you were going to knife someone in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and you press down on the toggle it might not work. Overall this product is a great one for the price and if you are interesting in just buying another controller for your own purpose or to use with friends. I would give this a 10 for price, a 8 for user friendly just because of the hard toggles. So overall a 9 out of 10.