Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Written Communication Story

When I woke up this morning I didn’t know how the day would go. It was the most interesting and odd day I ever had in my life. If it weren’t for that stupid boy and his pet monkey, I wouldn’t be stuck in this pickle. I was walking down the street going to my buddy’s house. I get there and he had this great idea to go to a baseball game. So we started walking down to the game and this creepy guy comes out of a dark alley asking us if we wanted to buy a magical monkey. My buddy John dropped everything and said yes, he took our money which we were going to buy the tickets with and bought the monkey. I was really mad. John got the monkey and we walked off. We started talking about who knows what when all of a sudden I saw a bird flying upside down. I couldn’t believe what I just saw. I yelled out,” John, look!” He was like “Holy Crap!” So we kept on walking back to John’s house amazed at what we saw. While we were walking we saw a door in the middle of the road standing upright. We walked over there opened it up and there was a million dollars. John was like,” You know what this means?!” I was said,” We can buy the baseball team!” John said,” No! This monkey is magical!” So we started walking down the street excited that we just got a million dollars, when all of a sudden two big guys came out of nowhere, punched us, took the money, and ran. “It’s alright, we still have the monkey that can get us more money, said John.”  We then looked at the monkey and saw he was floating and doing some weird signs with his hands. Then it was the next day, I woke up thinking that it was all a dream. When I tried to move I couldn’t. I was duct-taped to a flagpole by my school. That magical monkey did a spell or something that knocked John and me out. The creepy man came by and took the monkey and walked away. Later that day I understood what happened. The creepy man hired the big guys to beat us up to get the money. Then he duct-taped myself and John to the pole so he can get the magical monkey back, and try to pull one over on more kids. And that’s how I ended up duct-taped to the pole by my school.

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